join the poker run!

the poker run is a free activity that will take you on an exploration of downtown businesses. the poker hand winner will go home with a handful of prizes donated by our downtown businesses as well as a cash prize!

pick up your poker run map at the volunteer or information tent or download it here. make sure you return it by 4pm sharp because any tardy submissions will not be accepted.

  • to build the best poker hand and explore businesses downtown. each business on the map will have a deck of cards you can draw a card from. visit a minimum of 1 business from each zone to build a poker hand. you can visit every business if you want to increase your chances of winning!

  • no you don’t. you just nee a minimum of 5, but you must visit 1 from each zone to complete a hand. the more businesses you visit the better chances of building a better hand.

  • sorry! you’re out a luck. if you draw a card you already have. then you’re out of luck. maybe visit the next business to try drawing a better card.

  • each business on the map has generously donated a prize. we’ve also kicked in some cash !

  • yes! all ages can play. however, this is a one sheet one person kind of game. If you’re kids play they have to be involved and make sure to draw their own cards.

  • no! please make sure you leave the play cards with the business. you draw the card, and they will write it on your map and sign it. the card then is out of play until the deck runs out and only then will the cards be reused.

  • the poker run starts at 12pm and goes until 4pm sharp. we will not accept any late poker hands.

  • if there is a tie, the prizes will be split between the winners.

  • nope! we will call the winner and they will be able to pick up their prize during office hours at the downtown BRZ the following week.

    just make sure your phone number is correct!